The Passing of a Legendary Artist

David Bowie

*Queue the song Space Oddity*

I’m not a fan of even-numbered years.

Most even-numbered years in recent memory are filled with bad tidings and the first major blow for me this year is the passing of an amazing, inspiring, and legendary artist: David Bowie.

I grew up listening to David Bowie, though I discovered him nearly a decade after he had already skyrocketed to heights of popularity. His music resonated in me during a highly formative and awkward period in my early teens. His music told me that it was okay to be different from my peers, assuring me that is was noble to embrace the inner eclectic spirit that was me. My wild imagination struggled to gain superiority over the dull reality that marked the awkward period of my youth. Bowie kept me wondering alongside his chorus, was there really Life on Mars?

*Queue the song Rebel Rebel*

As I entered my twenties, Bowie continued to resonate with me as my rebellious period took shape. Idealistic and fiery, my spirit soared under Rebel Rebel and Golden Years. It was during this time that my imagination matured and expanded beyond the constraints of popular fantasy and science fiction. It marked the period of the modern vampires; the beautiful stirrings of dark, sexy creatures of the night.

*Queue the song Under Pressure*

As my journey through adulthood continued, I appreciated Bowie’s numerous collaborations with other artists, though none compared to his partnership with Queen in Under Pressure. OMG, that song is pure bliss to me, even today. It’s eternal…it’s powerful…it’s Bowie at his very best. It never fails to move me at many levels and helps me embrace the powerfully emotional and fragile state of being human.

I’ll never forget you, David Bowie. Thank you for everything.

Rest in peace…eternity welcomes you.

Until later, enjoy life; be kind to those around you, and Happy Reading! Peace.