The Post-Thanksgiving Season

Jaz stands beside some of the tasty desserts awaiting him after his meal. (PHOTO COPYRIGHT 2015 BY JAZ PRIMO)

Jaz stands beside some of the tasty desserts awaiting him after his meal. (PHOTO COPYRIGHT 2015 BY JAZ PRIMO)

Happy Post-Thanksgiving, Everyone!

Or, should I say, Happy Black Friday?

Nah, that’s merely a self-proclaimed sales opportunity in celebration of consumerism. Okay, maybe that’s a bit too lofty and self-reverent. Let’s put it this way…if you need to save some money via discounts on this day, more power to you and best wishes for safe shopping. If not, and you’re like me, it’s a wonderful day to spend on the couch binge-watching programs stored up on my DVR while sipping hot tea or cocoa. Oh, and let’s not forget all those yummy leftovers from Thanksgiving!

How was your Thanksgiving? Mine was marvelous and spent with friends and loved ones while sharing a host of tasty dishes. Here’s what we had for dinner…

Jaz's Thanksgiving Meal (PHOTO COPYRIGHT 2015 BY JAZ PRIMO)

Jaz's Thanksgiving Meal (PHOTO COPYRIGHT 2015 BY JAZ PRIMO)

I catered a tasty smoked turkey, courtesy of a local barbeque restaurant named JT’s BBQ. The cream cheese corn complimented thing very well, the creation of my good friend Jimmy.

Jaz's Thanksgiving Meal (PHOTO COPYRIGHT 2015 BY JAZ PRIMO

Jaz's Thanksgiving Meal (PHOTO COPYRIGHT 2015 BY JAZ PRIMO

I made the classic green bean casserole topped with those wonderful French’s dried onions. The cranberry dressing (stuffing, some call it) is my favorite dressing of all time, and was prepared by my dear friend Jessica. She also made the most decadent version of baked macaroni and cheese casserole, which melts in your mouth. Jessica’s mother made the perfect sweet potatoes in syrup and topped with a thick layer of marshmallows.

Jaz's Thanksgiving Meal (PHOTO COPYRIGHT 2015 BY JAZ PRIMO)

Jaz's Thanksgiving Meal (PHOTO COPYRIGHT 2015 BY JAZ PRIMO)

The dinner rolls were of the easy thaw and bake variety but tasted like they were homemade. And the desserts were AMAZING, compliments of Jessica! She baked a cherry pie, pecan pie, three pumpkin pies, and a big batch of chocolate chip pan cookies. Oh, I was in dessert heaven…and will be residing there for a number of days, actually.

Thank the Goddess for leftovers!

What did you have for Thanksgiving dinner? Did you go traditional or something completely different? Leave a comment and let me know.

What’s that? *cupping my palm close to my ear*

I hear a plateful of leftovers and my couch and DVR calling, so I better get to it. My two kitties are ready for snuggling, too. It’s the best…

Oh, and did I mention that – for the FIRST TIME in my life! – my Christmas shopping is already COMPLETE? Yes, that’s right, there’s NO hectic last-minute shopping for me. All that I have to do between now and December 25th is: put up a few decorations, send out my holiday cards, and make a leisurely effort to enjoy the three weeks leading up to the big day. Ahhh, this feels great!

If you’re just kicking off your holiday shopping, be careful in your travels, and proudly display your “good will toward others” for all to see and experience.

Oh, and be sure to check out my official Jaz YouTube channel for the latest video on my newest furry addition to my family, Patches the rescue kitty. Click here.

Until later, enjoy life; be kind to those around you, and Happy Shopping…oh, and reading! Peace.

Wintry November Bliss – or -- Avoiding the Holiday Pre-Sales Pandemonium

(A Wintry November Day -- Photo Copyright 2014 by Jaz Primo)

(A Wintry November Day -- Photo Copyright 2014 by Jaz Primo)

I particularly adore a cold winter-like November day.

Today is one of those days, complete with blowing snow flurries that melt onto the pavement but stick to the newly dormant grass. Ah, I feel very happy as I sit inside all warm and toasty and sipping on a steaming mug of hot cocoa while gazing out through my picture window. It’s moments such as these when the holidays come alive in beautiful and wondrous ways.

It is moments such as these when I’m not only feeling my happiest but also most contented. These are the truly lovely moments in life worth savoring.

Today, I’m remaining indoors to write on Sunset Rising, the fifth novel in my Sunset Vampire series. I’m also getting a head start on my Christmas shopping, including some gifts for myself. (Those are gifts from my cat, Tabby, of course. She said to order an item or two from my Christmas list. She’s so very kind. If only she had her own credit card and bank account…)

(Tabby the Cat in her Perch -- Photo Copyright 2014 by Jaz Pimo)

(Tabby the Cat in her Perch -- Photo Copyright 2014 by Jaz Pimo)

Tabby’s also appreciating the cold weather from the safe, warm interior of our home. You may notice in the photo that she’s comfortably lounging in the basket of her cat tree that I recently assembled for her. She’s really enjoying that cat tree of hers. I’m so happy that she likes it.

(Tabby's Cat Tree -- Photo Copyright 2014 by Jaz Primo)

(Tabby's Cat Tree -- Photo Copyright 2014 by Jaz Primo)

 Have you started your holiday shopping yet? Thankfully, I have my list mostly completed, so I’m already beginning my purchases. Have you noticed how retailers are starting their online Christmas sales earlier and earlier each year? I recently heard on a world news report that retailers expect the weekend before Thanksgiving to be as busy as the typical Black Friday and Cyber Monday following Thanksgiving. In addition, more and more stores are opening earlier on that actual Thanksgiving Day either during the morning or by mid-day. Radio Shack opens at 8am on Thanksgiving morning. *pausing* Though I honestly don’t have a clue what I might need from them. Perhaps a spare set of batteries? *shrugging* I dunno…

One thing is for certain: I won’t be out fighting the crowds on Black Friday. For those of you who will, may the Goddess rest your souls and protect you. By contrast, I plan to be at home watching either some college football games or streaming some movies or Doctor Who episodes.

Interstellar Film

Have you seen the movie Interstellar yet? It’s really good! The storyline was compelling and engaging, and Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, and Jessica Chastain all did an excellent job with their roles, as well as the amazing supporting cast. The special effects were out of this world (pun intended) and the depiction of a black hole was impressive. I give it five stars and two thumbs up. It’s a must-see that I highly recommend. I particularly appreciate the manner in which the writers took the time to develop the situation on Earth and present the characters in a multi-dimensional manner without rushing either. It made for a much more immersive and sympathetic audience experience. Way to go, Christopher Nolan…you did it again!

 How are you preparing for the upcoming holidays? I’d like to hear from you, so enter a comment and let me know.